《The National Metrology Technical Specifications Management Measures》has been officially came into effect on May 1, 2024.

  《The National Metrology Technical Specifications Management Measures》issued by the State Administration of Market Supervision, it has benn officially came into effect on May 1, 2024.

  The measures aim to optimize and integrate the establishment, formulation, approval and release, implementation, supervision and management of metrological technical specifications in order to ensure effective and timely formulation and implementation of new metrological technical specifications. Additionally, the Measures require the incorporation of "measurement uncertainty assessment" reports into measurement technical specifications for improved comparability of measurement results and reduced costs in international exchange and mutual recognition.

  This regulation optimizes and integrates the procedures for initiating, drafting, approving, issuing, implementing, and supervising measurement technology standards, ensuring that new measurement technology standards are promptly formulated and effectively implemented. It unifies the term "national measurement calibration regulations" to "national measurement technology standards" and includes all national measurement calibration specifications, national measurement calibration regulations, national measurement instrument type evaluation outlines, national calibration specifications, and other national measurement technology standards within the scope of regulation, breaking down traditional barriers and achieving unified management.

  This regulation explicitly requires that the "measurement uncertainty evaluation report" widely adopted in various industries and fields worldwide be included in measurement technology standards, improving the comparability of measurement results and effectively reducing the costs of international exchange and mutual recognition as well as the costs of product and service technical compatibility. It actively promotes the adoption of international legal metrology organization's international metrology standards and relevant international technical documents issued by other international organizations.

According to the State Administration for Market Regulation, it will further optimize the national measurement technology standard system, reform and innovate the management model for measurement technology standards, consolidate the measurement technology infrastructure for innovative development of new industries, new technologies, and new business models, and provide stable and efficient measurement technology services to support the integration of technologies and industries, thereby accelerating the formation of new quality productive forces.